

Kayan, Karen or Karenni are a minority ethnic group of Burmese Tibetan origin and belong to the Shan State. His language is Sino-Tibetan. During the 1990s the Burmese military regime persecuted, tortured and murdered them, causing many to have to take refuge in the neighboring country, Thailand. Living in different border villages, the Thai government treats them as prisoners, since their refugee status entitles them to nothing. Not even to transit the country. There are sub-groups such as the Padaung tribe, the best known for their spiral rings or brass in their necks, legs and wrists worn by women and girls from an early age. There is much talk about this tradition, because of using these ornaments. It is assumed that they began to use them to avoid the bites of the tigers in the area, a bit absurd since men do not use them, or not to be exclaimed by other tribes by not being pretty with such ornaments. Medical studies that show that using these ornaments is totally harmful to health also come into consideration. Men are in charge of agriculture, although the lands are not very prosperous. Really this town subsists of the elaboration of beautiful fabrics to loom, making of these blankets, wallets, caps, purses on the part of the women. Do not forget, even more, the alms left by tourists who visit the villages to see these women and girls with their ornaments. There is The Karen National Union (UNK), at war for its independence with the government of Burma since 1949. Persecution by the military regime in Burma continues to occur.


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